Events at the Metta Center

Free Reiki Clinic on the First Friday of Each Month

Friday, January 6, 9:30am-12pm

Free. RSVP Required.

Available appointment times are: 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am

Reiki is a powerful and gentle hands-on healing technique, which accesses the Universal Life Force energy. Reiki heals, cleanses and balances your whole energy system: body, mind, emotion and spirit. It is a wonderful stress-reduction program as well as part of a holistic health-regiment.

The intention of this clinic is to make Reiki available to those who are curious about it and want to explore how it feels to get a Reiki treatment, as well as to those who want a mini-healing session (or a picker-upper) as part of their self-care and healing process. Reiki practitioners are invited to give and receive.

Treatment is done fully clothed and lasts about 20 minutes per person. Please call to schedule your appointment so we can keep your wait to a minimum.

The next Free Reiki Clinics in 2006 are scheduled for: February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2.

Note: No Clinic in July 2006


Workshops at the Metta Center

Attracting Health,  Success and Abundance with EFT

Friday, January 20, 6:30pm-9:00pm. Cost $40

Ask yourself the following questions:

Maybe you don't believe you deserve success or well-being, or maybe you are afraid of other's responses to you if your dream did come true, or perhaps you think success is hard to come by. These are all examples of limiting beliefs (or "writing on the wall") that keep you vibrating in poverty consciousness.

Using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), tap along with others to neutralize those beliefs that have been holding you back.

You will identify and release particular blocks to success and make important breakthroughs to increase your prosperity consciousness.

You will also use and experience abundance games to increase your success vibration. 

Introduction to Angel Healing

Wednesdays, February 1-22, 6:30pm-9:30pm. Cost $150

Everyone can work with Angels and Beings of Light! These magnificent beings are available and willing to help us complete our spiritual work. But to enlist their assistance, we need to specifically request for it.

Angel Healing is a paradigm shift in our ability to heal ourselves. It provides a powerful way to raise our consciousness and to step into the Light.

This technique invokes the advanced capacities of your spirit in healing body, mind, and emotion. Your Higher Self identifies where healing is needed, and using Angel decrees, we invoke the help of the Angelic realm to bring in powerful, yet gentle, divine energy for healing.

In this workshop, you will:

For those who completed this course, further group work using Angel Healing techniques can be arranged in March 2006. 

EFT Workshop for Beginners (Level 1)

Saturdays, March 4 and 18, 9am-1pm. Cost $150

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an energy therapy process developed by Gary Craig. This is a self-healing technique that can be easily learned and applied by lay people and healing professionals alike with amazing results of relief from negative emotions. This technique is like acupunture for the soul (without using needles). We will clear our bio-energy system from low-vibration energy resulting from years of guilt, shame, anger and fear. This process often brings the experiences of inner peace, deeper wisdom and greater self-acceptance.

You can find out more about this wonderful technique at the official EFT website:

In this workshop, you will:

There will be class demonstrations and partner exercises to help you to start healing issues in your life. So, this workshop is not only a great learning opportunity but also a wonderful healing time.

For those who completed this course, further group work using EFT is available in April 2006. 

Reiki Level 1 Training and Certification

Wednesdays, March 8 and 22, 10am-1pm. Cost $125

Reiki is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. It is a hands-on healing practice that is very easily learned, simple to use and beneficial to all. Reiki is wonderful for stress reduction as well as physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

Reiki accesses the Universal Life Force energy. This energy is also known as Prana, Chi, Ki, Holy Spirit, Source, Mana. It is available to every being in the Universe.

The lineage of this Reiki training comes from Dr. Usui's method.

In this Reiki Level I training, you will:

Group Work at the Metta Center

Trancebreaker Chakra Series ™

Trancebreakers Chakra Series is a program to help you break free from habitual behaviors, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. It is a series of 21 classes exploring the life issues related to each of the body's 7 major chakras. You can join the class anytime, and you can choose to take only one class, some classes or all 21 classes.

This is a process that supports your life transformation. In each class, we use group guided meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) plus bilateral stimulation to release you from the grip of the pre-existing trances you are currently living. You will discover the hidden beliefs that run your subconscious and rule your life. Once the patterns of thinking are altered, you are free to choose new ways of thinking and beliefs that serve you better. This is a process of forming a new trance or Trance-formation!

Trancebreakers Chakra Series is the brainchild of Rick Reynolds. To find out about other Trancebreakers Chakra Series classes in the Bay Area, please visit

Class size is limited to 6 people, so please call or email to reserve your space.

Class #1: You Deserve to Be Here.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, January 9, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, January 13, 7pm-9:30pm

You deserve to be in this life. This world wants you. The beings on this planet celebrated the moment you were born. How would your life be different if you truly believed this were so? It’s time to find out.
“You Deserve to Be Here” is the theme for this introductory TranceBreakers class. In each TranceBreakers class, you will have the opportunity to break a different trance and take your life off of auto pilot. Through self hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique and bilateral stimulation you will discover the hidden beliefs that run your subconscious and rule your life. Through a process of trance-formation you will create a new belief and give your subconscious a new script to follow to create the life and reality you prefer. 

Class #2: I Deeply and Completely Accept Myself.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, January 23, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, January 27, 7pm-9:30pm

If you’ve ever tried Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT ) chances are you’ve said these words, but what if you really believed them? How would your life be different right now if you deeply and completely accepted yourself? Here’s an opportunity to break the trance that keeps you from self acceptance and take your life back. 

Class #3: Breaking the Blocks to Abundance.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, February 13, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, February 10, 7pm-9:30pm

What stops you from having an abundant life? Does a part of you believe that there will never be enough? Or do you live by the notion that there’s only just enough? What if you believed there was always more than enough? How would your life be different right now? Here’s an opportunity to break the trance that keeps you from experiencing a life of abundance. Join this TranceBreakers class as we tap away our negative beliefs about abundance with Emotional Freedom Technique, visit the waterfall of ever flowing abundance with a hypnotic journey and tap in a new abundant life with bilateral stimulation.

Class #4: You Have a Right to Your Feelings.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, February 27, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, February 24, 7pm-9:30pm

You have a right to be happy, a right to be sad, a right to be angry a right to feel however you feel. How would your life be different if you just allowed yourself to have all your feelings? Who would you be if you experienced a full range of human emotions? What don’t you allow
yourself to feel? Join this TranceBreakers class as we tap away our negative beliefs about feelings with Emotional Freedom Technique. Take a guided inner journey to discover the part of yourself that is always in touch with how you feel and tap in your right to feel however you feel with bilateral stimulation.

Class #5: I'm Only Responsible for My Own Feelings and No One Else's.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, March 13, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, March 10, 7pm-9:30pm

How would your life be different if you truly believed that you were only responsible for your own feelings? What would your relationships be like? How would your behavior be different? Who would you be if you took full responsibility for the way that you feel? Many of us live a trance that says we have the power to make others happy or sad. We live a trance that gives others the power to control our feelings. Join this TranceBreakers class as we use Emotional Freedom Technique, guided meditation and bilateral stimulation to break free from our false beliefs about controlling the feelings of others and step into full responsibility for our own feelings. 

Class #6: Healthy Sensuality.

Cost: $20/class

AM class: Monday, March 13, 10am-12:30pm

PM class: Friday, March 10, 7pm-9:30pm

You are a sensual being. You have the right to all the sensations your body can produce including pleasure.  How would your life be different if you truly believed this were so? It’s time to find out. "Healthy Sensuality“ is the theme for this TranceBreakers Class. We’ll explore the trances that block us from a healthy sensuality. We’ll use Emotional Freedom Technique to break free from guilt and other blocks to pleasure. We’ll use a guided meditation exercise to release shame. And we’ll use bilateral stimulation to tap in new awareness of our healthy sensuality. Trancebreakers is an ongoing class. You can join us any time.

Testimonials from past students

“Christine is so filled with light and love in all her interactions. She is very authentically generous, intuitive, and compassionate. In taking her Reiki worshop, I felt safe, seen, and appreciated. She was able to break down the learning in dynamic ways that were easy to understand, and easily kept my interest. I feel blessed to have met her and think of her as an angel on earth.” A.F.

"Loved the experience and found Christine to be exceptionally intuitive and a very good teacher." S.K.

“Thanks Christine for creating an environment that is conducive to so much depth and nurturing. I would love to participate in the workshops further. Thanks so much for giving so much of your self and emanating a faithful openness to the flow of the workshops...for providing gentle guidance and unconditional love.” J.A.

"Experienced a whole new awareness of energy and love." M.D.

“Thank you so much for offering your time and creating the space for us. You are the most wonderful and powerful healer and teacher.
Christine, the workshop exceeded my expectations. I really had a breakthrough with time and not feeling like I don't have enough time to do exactly what I want.” J.R.